CrossFit 100913 - An AMRAP Kind of Night….

Warm up:

  • 150m run
  • crab crawl
  • squat jump 15
  • 300m row


This means that I can practice kipping pull ups now yippee!!!!

Skill: Back Squat

5 x 95, 105, 115, 120 (PR!)

WOD - AMRAP 12 Minutes

3 shoulder to overhead (I did push presses at 65#)

6 toes to bars (I surprised myself that I did these and didn’t scale down!)

9 push ups (strict)

Result: 7 rounds + 3 push presses

I wore my Hero shirt today (it has Hulk, Spiderman, and Superman all over it) and it did give me good! Had my first overhand pull up, PR’d on back squats, AND did pretty well on the WOD completing 7 rounds!

P.S. Can you spot me in the picture above? That picture was taken after doing the Hero WOD on 9/11

  1. xjgohardorgohome-blog said: Congrats!! You make me so curious about cross fit!
  2. myquirkylife posted this