Half rotisserie and baked sweet potato (I think I may have a chicken problem) as I watch The Tiki Style’s Wod 1 from Midstate CF Conference video (loved the music - I too am a Girl Talk fiend).

And guess what, I made it to cf tonight! And by the way, I made it 3x last week! That’s record for me with my schedule!

Strength/Skill: OH Squats (he made it clear that we aren’t working toward our highest weight or a PR, but rather working on form and recognizing any part of your form that needs work).

Barefoot WOD (I have issues remembering articles of clothing, item missing tonight, my shoes - so I WOD’d it barefoot!)

12 min AMRAP

21 squats

14 abmat situps

7 pullups

6 rounds + 21 squats + 14 situps + 3 kips…so close to 7 rounds!

I kipped the whole time, and stringed 7 FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER on the first round! Then coach told me to do 4 kips per round instead (as did my friend JoWa in an earlier class who I was chasing - beast of  woman did 8 rounds though!)

  1. myquirkylife posted this