120229 - WOD: Vacuum

Knee having been acting up like a big biatch, this was the day it was decided I just can’t do anything to further piss it off. This is why:

Skill/Strength: Snatch work - I was careful working on these with the knee, so I didn’t go up in more than 45lbs.

WOD: Vacuum
For time:
25 Handstand push-ups
50 Toes-to-bar
Run 800 meters
75 pound Push press, 75 reps
150 Double-unders

HSPU off box
sub row for run
no double unders
(mission knee recovery)

After this WOD, knee was STILL upset at me - so it was concluded, stay off knee in skills, so not even any push presses. Balls.

  1. myquirkylife posted this