
Teacher. Aministrator. Researcher. PhD Student. Technoloducator.


Me, Elsewhere

Struggle Means Learning

This interesting article explores the perception of struggle in learning across cultures. How do we use struggle in our classrooms? Does it cripple? Does it motivate? “The teacher was trying to teach the class how to draw three-dimensional cubes on paper,” Stigler explains, “and one kid was just totally having trouble with it. His cube looked all cockeyed, so the teacher said to him, ‘Why don’t you go put yours on the board?’ So right there I thought, ‘That’s interesting! He took the one who can’t do it and told him to go and put it on the board.’”


  1. randomrambleramble reblogged this from wincherella and added:
    This is something I talk with my friends about often. Not necessarily Eastern vs. Western cultures, but about struggling...
  2. mrskaaay reblogged this from wincherella and added:
    This year, I will make sure to emphasize the process over the product with my students- they get so hung up on the final...
  3. wincherella reblogged this from williamrodick and added:
    Well worth reading. Something I see everyday in my class. The unwillingness to perservere at something, to keep trying...
  4. williamrodick posted this
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