
Teacher. Aministrator. Researcher. PhD Student. Technoloducator.


Me, Elsewhere

There really are just too many YouTubers out there that have fantastic educational content, so to add to other experts I’ve featured (VsauceSixty SymbolsCrash CourseTED-Ed60 SecondsSciShowC.G.P. GreyVi Hart, and Smarter Every Day), here’s another superstar educator of the interwebs.

While he is certainly a scientist first and a rapper second, Michael Wilson uses the power of lyricism to explain even the most convoluted scientific concepts. Check out this rap on dark matter to see the most interesting blend of humor, education, and rap, unparalleled in our solar system, even if you search past Pluto (R.I.P.). 

image*Disclaimer: For any of the channels featured here, check for content before showing to your students. The internet has a way of making people forget the importance of considering audience, and some videos geared towards learning are still not suitable for all ages.


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