The book room and bathroom (storage/bathing) at Clouds Hill, 1935.

  1. nerdypipsqueak reblogged this from titlethatsuitsusboth
  2. titlethatsuitsusboth reblogged this from telawrence
  3. cuddlewumpus said: So, do we know when in ‘35 this was taken? I’m curious.
  4. cuddlewumpus reblogged this from jabberamongthetrees and added:
    I’ve gotta agree, that Hoover did not come to Clouds Hill by T.E ’s hands. The brooms are very much his style.
  5. cuddlewumpus said: Yeah, that vacuum cleaner is not T.E.’s style at all.
  6. jabberamongthetrees reblogged this from nerdypipsqueak
  7. a-king-reciting-hamlet reblogged this from loashipper
  8. loashipper reblogged this from shortieandcoconut
  9. shortieandcoconut said: Because it reminds me of you mother xD
  10. shortieandcoconut said: Dammit son why don’t you have a vacuum cleaner lol
  11. shortieandcoconut reblogged this from nerdypipsqueak
  12. shortieandcoconut said: @nerdypipsqueak It totally does 😂
  13. ninjathrowingstork reblogged this from nerdypipsqueak
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  15. tigreos reblogged this from telawrence
  16. telawrence posted this
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