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Breakfast - Banana, cinnamon and peanut butter oatmeal topped with more banana, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and a drizzle of maple syrup, apple and cinnamon tea and a glass of apple/banana/cucumber/pea smoothie with ice. :)
(Oatmeal recipe - ½ a mashed...

Breakfast - Banana, cinnamon and peanut butter oatmeal topped with more banana, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and a drizzle of maple syrup, apple and cinnamon tea and a glass of apple/banana/cucumber/pea smoothie with ice. :)

(Oatmeal recipe - ½ a mashed banana, 1 tbsp apple sauce, 1 big tsp crunchy pb, a few shakes of cinnamon and a dash of vanilla - all mixed together, then add ½ cup oats and 1 cup almond milk.)

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