January 26, 2014
A Compass for Creative Types

“You needn’t take responsibility for the creativity, intelligence that you emanate, or the wisdom that breaches forth from the Unknown. Let it come through you; let go of all doubt and questioning of its divine brilliance. Honor the qualities of the material by continuing to focus on the intention to bring peace and introspection to your life, and others, through your life’s work. Instead of merely executing a task, be it. Surrender to it; let go of any anticipated outcomes. Feel the task and ask Spirit what else you can deliver to the world through adaptation of your worldly existence. As writers we are the sorcerers, bridging day-to-day living with the mysterious travel to the unknown worlds existing within the self. Without ever stepping foot outside of the physical room that our soul calls the body, without ever deserting the four corners of the room in which we inhabit: We journey.  Let these callings be the fuel to feed your intentions born into actions. To remain at the peak of success, on top of the tidal wave on which we all flow, from one soul’s story to the next, let the fallings between the waves be that which we share in glory and not in shame. Persevere with the reins of opportunity in your fingertips leading you to your many victories throughout this fantastic journey called success. It is the world at large that reaps the benefits from your many gifts and blessings that befall your crown, that you then allow to source through your being, pouring out through your hands, to those fortunate around you. At the same time, we receive the sense of gratification and satisfaction from surrendering to that which is greater than our minds, bodies and emotions: the forever present Creative Spirit. Embracing the cinematic view, acknowledging that it is when we partake in that which ignites our souls, that we can then share with the world the finest gift we may give. The poetry of our souls…all souls being one, we feed the world in its bliss to receive. Look yourself in the eye once a day. Tell yourself, "I love you.” “I believe you.” I’m here for you on your unique, one-of-a-kind purpose-filled mission.“ Repeat until you no longer carry any urge within to look away.

By Madelaine Standing. Published in Ascent Aspirations Online Magazine. Winter 2007.