House Stark 14.9mi / Queens, New York


July 19, 2013
With temperatures soaring up to 90°F earlier this morning, I’m not exactly sure how we finished the House Stark run. For a moment, I could have sworn that we were somewhere in Astapor. 2.5 hours and 14.65 miles later, we found ourselves where we started, at the gate of Cypress Hill cemetery. Finished. Done. Gatorade never tasted so good. A challenge well fought. Ned would be proud.

Over the course of 15 miles, we discovered the mansions of Forest Hills, realized that all cicadas were in Queens, came across a printed article of Run of Thrones while getting water at a Duane Reade, and met the superintendent of Cypress Hill Cemetery who was expecting to see us after reading about our plans of running through his cemetery on Daily News.

We would also like to thank journalist Clare Trapasso for doing the story on us. Without those Daily News related moments mentioned above, I don’t think we would have finished the run. Cheers!

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The Night Before the Run
Updated the run route to start right outside of Cypress Hill Cemetery. This should set us up for our 5:30AM run tomorrow. By the time we work our way around, the sun will be up and the cemetery will be open (8AM). For Ned!

July 6, 2013
Just finished pre-planning a run that will happen next weekend on either the 07/20 or 07/21. Unlike the previous runs, this one is a bit more, shall we say, peaceful because it involves running through a cemetary. They actually held a 5K race there not too long ago so it won’t be that awkward. Also, bonus points for finding a Stark while in the cemetary. Double bonus points for finding Jackie Robinson. ;)

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