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What an amazing piece of architecture this cathedral serve for our eyes isn’t it? This Cathedral named LUMINAIRE DE CAGNA’s Cathedral which located in Belgium. This great works are done for Belgium’s Festival of Lights with 55.000 LED lights!!. 


Cathedrals, it selfs, are magnificent sights to behold. Each tile, window, or pillar speaks volumes about its history and how the structure itself came to be. Aside from serving as places of worship for some religions, they’re also where special occasions like baptisms, weddings, and other ceremonies are held.

This Cathedral however, it’s not so much on the culture or intricacies. Instead, it’s all about the light. And not the light streaming in from the stained glass windows as you’d expect from other cathedrals, either. What I mean is the light that’s emanating from the 55,000 LED lights that make up this massively beautiful structure. 


What a beautiful art form isn’t it? :)

Check out the great LED cathedral live video from HERE ! :D