GW2 Character and general IC/OOC stuff (Occasional doodles/rambles)
☱ "A journal?" Saamid grins. "I haven't found one of these in a while."

(This one was a long time coming, I’ve been rather stressed and school though, so sorry for time, but here ya go)

Borrils Journal sat upon the floor within Saamids reach, instead of an audio log Borril on occasion would create, this was a rather…simplistic example. It was a leather bound book, looking weather beaten and a bit tattered. On the spine was a Priory symbol etched into it.

As he opened it, he would have found it dating back to approximately five years ago, when he joined the Priory, the entries were usually short and simple, usually only shown every few seasons. It wasn’t until the past year approximately that journal entries would have been showing up by any form of regularity.

One of the most recent entries would have caught Saamids eye. Peering to it he would have read this.

I visited Yimyeta today in Vyxxines lab, she had been barely conscious for the past two days, kept under by the various drugs she kept her on. I was curious to see how she had been feeling today.

It wasn’t much of a surprise to run into Saamid there, I haven’t spoken with the Asura much, but from reputation and what I had gathered from Yimyeta’s conversations and interactions regarding him, it doesn’t seem like the two of them are very separable.

While I am not sure about him, Yimyeta has been extremely protective of him. She lost so many these days, I cannot fault her for wanting to keep a person she finds kinship out of harm’s way.

Of him myself, I cannot say as much as I’d like, I’d like to pride myself at being good with people, I tend to be good at being a judge of character. He isn’t a pleasant person from what I have seen…but not an intrinsically bad one. Yes, he is Inquest, yes, I do have my misgivings with Inquest. Based on what I have seen though, I believe he isn’t going to do anything…too dangerous to my old friend, he shows concern, her shows caring, more than what he seems to show in general really. I do not think I can be considered a friend to him, but it may be nice to get to know him better.

…It reminds me of happier times for Yimyeta, when she would smile more, when she would crack jokes and get into fights with Charr for the sake of it. I am happy to see that side of her again. I cannot help but feel a bit of annoyance, perhaps, she is still treating me as a child, but it is good to see a small glimpse of the old Yimyeta.

(And since I have been a while in writing this, I’ll add a short addition)

Tennks Log: 83rd of Phoenix, 1327

Travelled to lions Arch for drink and sustenance.

Ran into another Inquest member, Saamid, Doctor.

Rather intoxicated, intelligent, flirty. (Nice butt)

Potential for collaboration, will contact in near future.

His companion wasn’t that bad either, if a bit shy (nice butt too)

…I need to drink less, Alchemy..