A year ago today I went to Haiti with 6 friends. We are all artists. The photographers of the crew were Wyatt Gallery ( WWW.WYATTGALLERY.COM ), Alessandro Simmonetti ( WWW.ZUEKPHOTOGRAPHY.COM ) and my self. We went with writer Adam Reeves ( BBDO), Illustrator Craig Duffney ( DESIGN WORKS, BBDO ), and director Eugene Fuller ( MOTHER ). In a month, on April 7th, a year after we made the trek to Haiti, we are having our first group show. We have all shown a few images and pieces from our experiences in Haiti in different venues but this is the first time our collective  "Le Set" is showing our work together and all for a great cause.. ALL proceeds from work sold will be going to our host charity “Healing Haiti” WWW.HEALINGHAITI.ORG . Please save the date 4.7.11 and save some dollars to spend on art so we can save some lives.

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