1:What was your first cosplay?
2:Favorite thing to cosplay?
3:Have you ever been in a panel at a convention?
4:How many people do you think you met because of cosplaying?
5:What do you think makes a 'good cosplay'?
6:Have a cosplay blog?
7:Ever done a group cosplay?
8:Couple's cosplay?
9:When did you start cosplaying?
10:Would you consider yourself good at cosplaying?
11:Which cosplay took you the longest time to make?
12:Shortest time to make?
13:Do you like Genderbent/AU cosplays?
14:List all of your cosplays.
15:Are you currently working on something?
16:Would you, if given the chance, cosplay at school/work?
17:Do any of your IRL friends cosplay?
18:What does your family think of it?
19:Do you consider cosplay an art?
20:Have you ever had to get help with a cosplay?
21:Least favorite thing to cosplay?
22:Ever been in a cosplay contest?
23:First con that you cosplayed at?
24:What's your definition of 'cosplay'?
25:Favorite tumblr cosplay ask blog?
26:Ever cosplay an inanimate object?
27:Who is your cosplay headcanon of your favorite character?
28:What is your 'Cosplay First Aid Kit' (what you use to repair a cosplay)?
29:Would you go pro?
30:Who is your favorite professional cosplayer?
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