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The Princess of Asturias First Communion (Rumors)

Princess Leonor will probably receive her First Communion this Spring, and the media has been speculating about the event for months years. The following information seems the most likely option, but nothing in this post is confirmed by an official source.

The Princess will receive her First Holy Communion with her classmates in May, at the local Church of the “Asunción de Aravaca”, where her school is located. Doña Leonor will wear the school uniform for the ceremony that will take place on a school day. Afterwards, the King and Queen will host a lunch at Zarzuela where her paternal grandparents (King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía) and her maternal grandparents (Paloma Rocasolano and Jesús Ortiz) will be present. The Princess of Asturias will wear a simple white dress for the lunch and official photos. Princess Leonor is receiving catechism classes to prepare for her First Communion and classes about other religions.

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