It bothers me too because this is the one genre specifically about girls being powerful. This is the one genre that guarantees that boys will be secondary characters at best and ladies will take the spotlight. It is specifically a genre about how femininity can be powerful. So of course the question we ask is “BUT WHERE ARE THE MEN?” Answer: EVERYWHERE ELSE.

On the other hand, I do see it from the point of view of “but it would be cool to show that boys can do feminine things too”? But I don’t think that’s enough to justify one getting a series- maybe one on a team and really make an effort to send the message that femininity isn’t shameful even for men, but don’t make the show revolve around him.

What I’d honestly love to see is a trans* magical girl, and if people had any sense, that’s what they’d be demanding.

Rebloggable by request!

And for the record, the Starlights can be read as trans* (as can manga Haruka, can be read as genderqueer) But it’s p. ambiguous and I honestly doubt they were intended to be read that way. It would be nice to have a more concrete representation and a main character be trans*!

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