Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme




Osteal Jewelry Presents :

✧ The Small Strange July Giveaway

A big thank you to all those who follow, re-blog and comment on our little blog. Thank you for helping us be a success!

This giveaway is small, but it has a lot of personality.

for more items with amazing personality visit Osteal’s Etsy shop :

What you will receive:

- Mourning Locket (locket made with real human hair, inspired by Victorian Mourning Jewelry)
- three deer teeth
- deer bone fossil shard
- hawthorne thorns
- vintage bison bone
- a pair of real glasses from the 1920’s
- metal medallion
 - Earrings * the last prize is your choice : Choose earrings for standard piercings or Large gauge.  You will receive two sets of earrings - one of the style shown and a second surprise pair
- plus more prizes will be added to the package

✧ Rules and Guidelines ✧

- Must be following this blog :

- Please tag your post with #ostealjewelry

- Likes are great by only Reblogs count as an entry.

- You may reblog as many times as you like - within reason.

- Must be an actual blog not just a ‘giveaway’ blog

- Must be 18+

- This is a WORLDWIDE giveaway 

Be sure to check out

✧ Winner ✧

The winner will be chosen at random, using an online generator.

Once the winner is chosen, I will send you an ask on tumblr notifying you. Make sure your ask box is open, or I will chose another winner.

✧ End Date ✧

August 1st,  2014

✧ Disclaimer ✧

This giveaway is in no way associated with Tumblr (including, without limitation, that it isn’t administered, sponsored, or endorsed by Tumblr).

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