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Anonymous asked: Mistress Manners, I have a quandary; I like bands that are not goth, and I like bands that are goth; for some members of my local goth scene, my love of 'non-goth bands' and the fact that I call myself goth is incongruous and they feel the need to voice their rather hurtful opinions. This holds especially true of my vocal love for certain bands that saved my life: HIM, Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice & Men, The Smiths... Help?

This is a perfect follow-up to the post about “you don’t have to listen to "x” goth band to be a goth“!

Those members of your local goth scene who are making hurtful comments about you liking non-goth bands are being JERKS, don’t believe a thing they say. You can listen to any music you want, and it won’t effect your ‘goth cred’. (Which is a ridiculous notion, anyway.)

For example: my devotion to My Chemical Romance is pretty well-know at this point. Last year I flew to California to see one of my best friends and go to a Fall Out Boy/Panic! at the Disco concert with her. If someone tries to tell me that I’m not a Real Goth because of those facts, I WILL LAUGH IN THEIR FACES. With giddy and slightly mean-spirited delight.

People who try to tell you that you can’t like certain things (music, books, movies, hobbies, whatever) and be a goth are usually trying to hide their own insecurities about who they are and what they like. IGNORE THEM.

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