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How to tell if you’re a troll —


It’s a multiple choice quiz that’s funny and insightful. It’s also pretty damn accurate, especially in the scoring section:

If you answered mostly [LETTER REMOVED BY WIL]’s:

You’re a probably an asshole.  Or possibly you’re an angry teenager.  It’s occasionally hard to tell those apart.  Most people find you abrasive, obnoxious and vile, however you’re in luck because you can grow out of this phase, and even if you don’t there are lots of other assholes out there to share your time with you.

There are a lot of angry teenagers on the Internet the last few weeks. I just want to say something, with kindness, to them: you guys, read this post about how being snarky is ruining your life from Lifehacker and maybe you’ll feel a lot better about yourself, stop being an angry asshole to everyone, and end up surrounding yourself with awesome people who are awesome.

…because there is a fundamental law of the universe that they don’t tell you about when you’re younger: you attract what you put out into the world; it’s basic human psychology. So if you’re awesome to people, other awesome people will want to be around you, but if you’re a dick, only other dicks will want to be around you.

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    i am most definitely an actual troll.
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  13. princess-stabbity reblogged this from wilwheaton and added:
    Not to miss the point, but I got two A’s, one B, and two D’s is that bad?
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  20. randomsudoisms reblogged this from wilwheaton and added:
    LOL. I found that none of the answers really suited my approach to things. And I see people that exhibit some...
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