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Stevie Nicks surrounds herself with girls. Wherever she goes, she brings girls. “I can’t imagine you in a bathing suit,” someone says in an interview for Rolling Stone, when Stevie says she likes to play in the pool in her backyard. “Yeah, well, you never will,” Stevie says. “And there is never — ever — a man in the backyard. If there is, he is banished to the front of the house.” Men don’t get to look at Stevie Nicks unless Stevie Nicks wants men to look at Stevie Nicks.

Stevie Nicks is a queen, a witch, a dragon; she’s in control. Stevie Nicks is there for us.

(via tastymoonpie)

While I am not the biggest fan of her music (I have to be in the right mood to listen to her voice), I admire the HELL out of Stevie Nicks. (Also, I want to go play dress-up in her closet.)

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