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Gothic Charm School

Yes, FINALLY: a new post at Gothic Charm School! Of Fashion Choices and of Feeling Like a Fake. 

  1. witch-of-the-diaspora reblogged this from gothiccharmschool
  2. checkeredpaintbrush reblogged this from gothiccharmschool and added:
    … how did you read my mind all the way from Seattle?
  3. theghostbat reblogged this from proletariangothic
  4. ash-of-the-loam said: Your first correspondent might find inspiration and solidarity on the Femme Dandy tumblr! Many excellent pictures of women in elegant menswear, and discussion of tips, styling, shopping, etc. (Somewhat sporadic in updating, but good nonetheless.)
  5. art-of-misdirection reblogged this from gothiccharmschool and added:
    *flings her teacup against the wall in a moment of high spirits* A new post! Better celebrate with another cup of tea!
  6. dollsahoy reblogged this from gothiccharmschool
  7. faeriebullshit reblogged this from gothiccharmschool and added:
    I’m only partways through it but very good so far.
  8. plebinactive123 reblogged this from gothiccharmschool
  9. gothiccharmschool posted this