Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Dear … everyone, I guess: sniping at people because they are not as much of an unique dark snowflake as you is, to put it bluntly, DUMB. Calling someone a conformist or “South Park goth” because they enjoy standard gothy things and embrace their cliches is ludicrous. (Also, “South Park goth” has got to be one of the more ridiculous bits of name calling I’ve run across lately.)

Remember, Snarklings. Be true to yourselves, be open-minded, and treat people with polite kindness. Being a snippy, bigoted, elitist twerp does not make you cool, it makes you look insecure and petty.

(This rant brought to you by someone asking me for advice on dealing with another person mocking them for embracing their gothy cliches. Good grief, Goth is a collection of spooky and morbid cliches that huddles under a parasol in a graveyard, hissing at the sun. Goth is NOTHING without its cliches, and if someone thinks they’re too cool for those cliches, they really need to stop taking themselves so seriously.)

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