14 Notes

"Wisconsin State Senator Says Women Are Paid Less Because ‘Money is More Important For Men’"

Repealing the law was a no-brainer for state Sen. Glenn Grothman ®, who led the effort because of his belief that pay discrimination is a myth driven by liberal women’s groups. Ignoring multiple studies showing that the pay gap exists, Grothman blamed females for prioritizing childrearing and homemaking instead of money, saying, “Money is more important for men,” The Daily Beast reports.

Britain’s Raving Monster Looney Party once made an election promise to tow Britain into the middle of the Mediterranean Sea so we’d get better weather. Is the modern GOP attempting to vie with them in the ‘unelectable nonsense’ stakes? Or have all the rational conservatives simply conceded 2012 to Obama and run off to prepare for 2016, leaving the field filled with wingnuts and lunatics?



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