7 Notes

On OS X Keyboard Shortcuts


  • Number of times each day I want to hop to the beginning or end of a line: many
  • Number of times each day I want to hop to the beginning or end of an entire document: few
  • Behaviour of the Home and End keys under OS X, which map to the latter function, not the former: retarded.

Google has shown up KeyFixer, which seems like a half-baked solution to the problem. I’ll try that later. Unless anyone has a better suggestion…?



  1. schmidlap reblogged this from penllawen
  2. dwineman answered: Option plus a movement key moves a word at a time, command moves the maximum. Add Shift to select while moving. It makes sense, actually.
  3. toldorknown answered: For Vim, at least, you can map the keys: linux.com/archive…
  4. reagank answered: cmd-left and cmd-right take you to the beginning and end of lines. I’ve been raging at my work XP machine because I forgot home & end
  5. jollilama answered: While you’re typing, command-arrow will move you to the beginning/end of lines, or top/bottom. I use Home/End while surfing.
  6. penllawen posted this

