A statement about school shootings

So, a tragic event happened that everyone speaks of. As in matter of fact, two of a similar nature happened quite recently. I believe you know what I’m speaking of – the massacre in the shopping center and the school massacre in Connecticut. First off, I need to make my own statement about the “Columbiners” who say that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had an “actual” or “real” reason to start their massacre – because “they targeted their own students who they were sick and tired of”. At once I will admit I believe that is one of the factors they did it. What I do not agree with, however, is that their reason is any more “legitimate” or “real” than what happened at Sandy Hook.

As a previous bully victim myself, I had an easy time understanding what Eric and Dylan meant in their diaries. Yet every day I am thinking: “Thank GOD I never thought in the exact same way as the Columbine perpetrators to indulge in what the boys did; thank GOD I never threw my life away”. Yes, I do believe they both had personality issues. I believe the one most people will notice straight away is Eric’s narcissism. However, there is a clear-cut difference between PERSONALITY disorders and psychosis, not understanding how the dynamics of the world function.

I do not wish to make a statement about the sanity of the perpetrator of the elementary school, seeing as not enough information has been put available. Not making a statement about his mental stability ALSO means to NOT label him insane. Most people will of course react with an “Oh my god but he shot kids how can he not be insane”-statement. To counter this, I will provide you with this link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/aug/24/breivik-verdict-sane-21-years
 What it says in this link is basically that Breivik was declared sane.

Anyways, saying that the perpetrators of Columbine have any more “real” reason to do what they did hypocritical. Columbiners are known to research the Columbine case in depth. However, they judge the perpetrator of Sandy Hook Elementary school without having researched his case.

Secondly, I want to voice my opinion about gun control. People, please stop it. Whereas I DO agree that guns are distributed too loosely in the US, I think it’s time to take a look at what the FUCK is going on in the US, and rather focus on the people instead. People will kill anyway. Heck, you can easily just type in on Google search “Anarchist cookbook pdf free download” and there you go, how to build some destructive bombs in 1 2 3. What seems to be going on in the US since the 80’s/90’s is a huge massacre wave (excuse me for stating the obvious). The term “school shootings” was never used commonly before the 90’s. There’s something going on with the mentality of people. It’s time to research why people are going berserk, and fix that. The mind is far more powerful than the gun itself. Guns are always going to be around, especially in a gun-culture oriented country like the US. Doesn’t it make more sense dealing with the root of the problem, rather than just the means the perpetrator used?

In summary: Don’t judge what you haven’t researched. You’re biased if you choose to research any other massacre in depth, but don’t even bother with this one. Wait for the materials to come out, then make a judgement.

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