86 Notes

I’m in Halifax visiting my family. This is the sculpture that sits outside the building where I went to theatre school. It’s called “Marine Venus”. I’ve been told it’s supposed to look like an Inuit person holding snow in their hands. Riiiight.... Zoom Image

I’m in Halifax visiting my family. This is the sculpture that sits outside the building where I went to theatre school. It’s called “Marine Venus”. I’ve been told it’s supposed to look like an Inuit person holding snow in their hands. Riiiight. (Taken with Instagram)



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  3. ladygrl reblogged this from atsween and added:
    I grew up and graduated High School in Wolfville. I KNOW THIS SCULPTURE!(I got high and laughed at it like all shitty...
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    TJ: I think it’s time for the Mohel to retire; his hand clearly isn’t as steady as it once was…
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