Crystal Cox is NOT a Journalist

Just a sad and deluded woman

2 notes &

Lesbians, and Marc Randazza


Yes that was our exact exclamation, part of it anyway, the rest was “The FUUUUUUUCK!” when we found whilst surfing the tubes and Digging Deep, as one does, this actually not bad site dealing with Lesbian issues called “Out Lesbian” that is owned by, you guessed it, the Dig Derp herself Crystal Cox.

Now you might be asking, What is our issue with lesbians.

Nothing, we don’t care if someone is Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Hetrosexual, Transexual, black, white, yellow, or purple polka dotted with trisexual tentacles, though that would be strange - but awesome. The reason we bring this to your attention is Crystal Cox in her infinite batshit craziness has basically destroyed the whole site for her personal Ego trip and to confront the demons in her head that keep whispering that Marc Randazza is her sworn enemy and must be destroyed by using bad capitalization.

Yes you guessed it the top post which takes up two pages is all about Marc. Don’t bother reading it, it’s the same post on countless other sites we have all seen, and will again, and again, and ad infi-fuckin-nitem.

Why would you do this Crystal, is it not enough that you are bringing the Legal and Technology fraternities down upon you, you now have to bring Lesbians into your madness?

Oh for those wondering about, that’s an interesting story, but we will allow Crystal herself to tell it in a video found

[warning: CrystalsTumblingCox takes no responsibility for outbreaks of laughter, headaches, or other maladies that may occur from watching the following video - you have been forewarned]


and also on Out Lesbian (down right hand side) as well.

For those who have read this far, we offer a puzzle as a reward.

   Who owns Athena Consulting at PO Box 1610, Eureka, Montana 59917, USA

    Hint: the owner’s first name starts with C and surname rhymes with fox, and it looks like some other names as well

Filed under Crystal Cox Lesbian match making Marc Randazza Craziness extortion

  1. crystal-cox posted this