So a lot has been written about Doctor Who as the show embarks on a new season with a new Doctor, the excellent Peter Capaldi. Personally I have enjoyed the first two episodes and really think Capaldi has done a wonderful job so far. And for the most part people seem to agree, at least about Capaldi. But one thing that has bothered me about the praise is the citing of some kind of mystical "adultness" that the show now exudes with the older Capaldi in charge as opposed to younger actors David Tennant and Matt Smith. This strikes me as a disservice to all three actors and any fan of the show.

"You start out with a man full of hope and love, and then you see it stripped slowly away from him, beginning almost immediately, when Harriet Jones commits an act of genocide right in front of the Doctor. From there he loses the woman he loves, hurts one of his dearest friends and inadvertently gets her family enslaved, finds another Time Lord and a daughter only to have both die in his arms, and then he has to violate the mind of his best friend to save her life. This leaves him alone, angry, bitter, and leads to him breaking the laws of time and forcing a woman to commit suicide to clean up his mess.

And when faced with the end of his existence, he rages against an unfair universe that has taken everything away from him and given him nothing in return."

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