Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme




And by power, i obviously mean Flower Power. Spring is in the air my fellow Londoner’s. The daffodils are popping up every which way and I’m already planning my sunshine work wardrobe. I cannot wait to wear my new floral print sheer shirt, to don my light weight floral cardigans and pull out my beaten pair of floral sandals.

Yes its true - Spring = Floral wear in overdrive, and this Spring i cannot wait to clash my spring worthy prints and embrace everything powerful about florals.

Above is a selection of photos I’ve collected over time, forgive me, but a lot of the places i got them from are long forgotten - but their reason for being collected isn’t. Simply because, the photos capture the essence of floral prints and photography - literally capturing sunshine through a lens. Nothing can bring me down when i wear a floral print. I demand you all immediately go and purchase some - and if your budget allows - make it the Paul & Joe skirt in the below wish list post. <3 <3 <3

TC x