September 19, 2014
“ oneofthejohns:
“ Hey! Banned Books Week is coming up starting this Sunday! This year has a focus on banned comics & graphic novels.
If you are looking for some resources to spread the word or to run events, you should head over to...



Hey! Banned Books Week is coming up starting this Sunday! This year has a focus on banned comics & graphic novels.

If you are looking for some resources to spread the word or to run events, you should head over to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund website where they have lots of stuff including two free downloadable posters you can print up to help promote BBW. I did the design above.

Oh yeah, and something else you could do for BBW is read Americus, by MK Reed and myself, which is all about book banning, censorship, and coming of age. 

Come fight the good fight with us at the JC store on Tuesday.

(via libraryjournal)

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