December 8, 2013
My Social Media Daily Routine.

I was reading Stephanie Buck’s article on Mashable, “I’m on Facebook Because I’m Bored Beyond Belief“ and it made me realize that I have a daily routine every morning I wake up. Sort of like my daily newspaper, I immediately turn to the phone on my side table and I open up Twitter. Then Instagram. Then my mail. Then Tumblr. And lastly, Facebook. 

I start with Twitter first because of the users I follow. Twitter to me, acts like a digital newspaper. It highlights the current events I’m interested in such as fashion, streetwear, marketing, shoes, etc. The users I follow tend to tweet new pictures or articles that I would be interested in. I quickly scroll through my timeline and if anythings interests me I will read it. 

Then I turn to Instagram to see the types of food people upload to get a sense of what I want to eat for breakfast or lunch that day. #foodporn. Funny, I know. And I’m actually serious. Other than that, I will glance at the outfits of some of the users I follow to get inspired on my outfit for that day. Corny but it’s very effective!

Then it starts to get boring…I check my email to get caught up with school projects and assignments. And finally, I open up Facebook. I use facebook mostly to lurk and creep on my friends to see what kind of nonsense they are up too, what idiotic quote they post as their status, what they are complaining about, and how much they wish it was the weekend already.  So in a sense, Facebook really is boring. It’s the last on my daily routine and other social media platforms are more entertaining. What does that mean for Facebook? I’m sure I’m not the only one to think like this. Facebook was the second social media platform I heavily invested my time in. But this was back in 2008. Almost 6 years later, it’s starting to slowly die out of my daily routine. One day I might just delete my Facebook entirely. Remember what happened to MySpace after the new social media platform came into town?

  1. themondainmarketer-blog posted this
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