Sometimes, I like a thing that isn’t My Little Pony.

This article was one of those things. I don’t watch Smallville, and I never will, but I would totally watch it with these guys.


Smallvillains Episode 1.7:  Craving:

Chris: Our original plan for this week was to take on Jeph Loeb’s Red Kryptoniote episode from Season 2, but with the announcement that three-time Academy Award nominee Amy Adams had been cast as Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s upcoming Superman film, we realized we had no choice but to go with a different selection: Season 1’s “Craving,” in which Amy Adams stars as a Smallville High student with a Kryptonite enhanced eating disorder.

David: I really wish we’d watched the Loeb joint. I hate everyone who recommended this with a fury equivalent to a thousand suns.

Chris: Yeah, it was… well, it was not very good, but to be fair, it was exactly the level of quality you had to expect from a Season 1 episode of Smallville about space meteor bulimia.

David: No, I think it might have been worse.