January 22 2012 3:34 PM

Creative&Drinks #1

Thanks a lot for your support everyday by reading us, following us and by discovering great creative people we promote.
We have been running Creative&Live for five years and we wanted to bring it a bit more live! So, we decided to launch the first Creative&Drinks! No talk, no subject, Creative&Drinks is just a way to meet up people interested in the same things in the same city.
If you are related in any way to Creative&Live, creatives, readers or followers please join our first event which will take place in London.
Fancy a bit of networking to start the year!

Where&When? Wednesday the 25th of January, 7pm The Owl & Pussycat , Redchurch Street, E2 London.

Please contact us to add your name to the list!

(Source: creativeandlive.com)

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