December 21, 2013
Actual conversation with my brother:
Him: Did you hear we're now living in the post-antibiotic era?
Me: Oh yeah.
Him: When I got sick in China? I would have died without antibiotics.
Me: I could have died in childbirth.
Him: ...
Me: Ear infections and strep throats will be fatal, especially in young children. Syphilis and bacterial meningitis? Dead. And I have no idea what will happen when Lyme disease is untreatable.
Him: This is the worst conversation ever.
Me: You asked, yo.
Him: Let's talk about Christmas instead.
Me: Agreed. Wanna see the awesome cookbook I got for Mom? Mollie Katzen wrote a new one. I got the hardcover and it's gorgeous.
Him: Yes. Show me that, please.
3:48pm  |   URL:
Filed under: christmas 
  1. redhead-without-a-tardis reblogged this from fictionandneuroscience
  2. artoflisasikorski said: Related to that, the other day I told Doug I’m afraid to cook because of information like this…
  3. fictionandneuroscience posted this