February 7, 2014
1. Yes, this photo is fuzzy, but Bean took it, so I love it. Deal.
2. I added all the books I consumed in January to Goodreads and discovered that I read fourteen thousand pages. Fourteen thousand pages in a month, you guys.
3. I don’t get out much....

1. Yes, this photo is fuzzy, but Bean took it, so I love it. Deal. 

2. I added all the books I consumed in January to Goodreads and discovered that I read fourteen thousand pages. Fourteen thousand pages in a month, you guys. 

3. I don’t get out much. See above. 

4. That’s my mom in the background. She’s going to be 67 tomorrow. I am doing quelque chose epic with quinoa. 

5. This list is not up to my usual standards, but in my defense there is Minecraft happening right now, and I’m easily distracted. Apparently. 

7:10pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZDfGay16kcEZy
Filed under: fridayfive ff gpoy mkia 
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