October 30, 2013

I have a meeting today with my disability lawyer. This is the first time I’m meeting her because I waited as long as possible before getting a lawyer. I had this idea that I should do as much as possible by myself and then hire a lawyer. I’m on my last appeal and so the next step is a hearing in front of a judge. No way am I doing that by myself. I just wish I’d hired her earlier. There was no reason to do everything by myself - other than pride I suppose. And I’m sure I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes if I’d had a lawyer from the beginning. 

About six weeks ago I was really upset about this. I really need the income. I’ve been working on this claim all year. And I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose. Last month I was so upset about this I was thinking about killing myself. I don’t feel that way anymore. Now I feel like if (when) we lose I’m going to start over again, and not make the mistakes I made last time. I’ll have a lawyer from the beginning as well as empirical testing data supporting my case and reports from the right kinds of specialists. 

I’m still tense as hell. The only thing that will totally throw me will be if the lawyer says I don’t have a case. That will be hard to swallow. 


  1. elizabite said: This kind of disability case is extremely frustrating. The right evidence provided by the “right” professionals is really key. It’s especially hard when you’re fine, you’re fine, you’re fine, and then you most certainly are not fine.
  2. fictionandneuroscience posted this