September 5, 2011

Just about everything Amber Case said I agree with. She was talking about computers and how we can have our whole life on your computer without having to carry around all the weight of it. Now we have smart phones which have almost the same capabilities as a laptop and fits in your pocket. In the video they say that there is a thousand pounds of stuff within your laptop, I would say a thousand pounds is a huge understatement. Think about how much you can access on the internet, any article, any picture, any song, any movie all within a few clicks.

Amber talks about having a digital life and an analog life. Although she doesn't really go into any depth with it and its very confusing what she's trying to say about first and second adolescence. Everyone on the internet has there digital life and their analog life though, meeting someone on Facebook is completely different than meeting someone in real life. 

I think that Amber Case may be very knowledgeable about this topic but was not good at presenting any of the information, therefor making it really hard to listen and enjoy. Her stories didn't tie in with other information she presented.

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