Sarah,NJ- Avid runner, dog lover, goat obsessed,vegetarian & wife. Ulcerative colitis fighter. You will probably see lots of pictures of me running, my dogs, food, everyday life and stuff about UC

Instagram: GoaldenGoats

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Ok guys, we need to talk. I’ve been rocking this little ol’ blog for just a couple of months now & I’ve made some friends, hi friends!
Today I hit 1,000 followers+, which is totally amazingly awesome!!!!!!
THANK YOU for caring, sharing and being...

Ok guys, we need to talk. I’ve been rocking this little ol’ blog for just a couple of months now & I’ve made some friends, hi friends!

Today I hit 1,000 followers+, which is totally amazingly awesome!!!!!!

THANK YOU for caring, sharing and being interested and or motivated etc by my life! I have so much fun sharing with you all.

So here’s a picture of some flowers I picked in celebration!!! 🎉🎉🎉


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  3. healthyontheinside said: Congrats!
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