Sarah,NJ- Avid runner, dog lover, goat obsessed,vegetarian & wife. Ulcerative colitis fighter. You will probably see lots of pictures of me running, my dogs, food, everyday life and stuff about UC

Instagram: GoaldenGoats

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August running comes to a close as week 12 of training begins!

I ran 3 ultra humid miles this morning. I tried to bring Ralphy but he seemed terrified of the road and would cower and try and run home soooo I brought him home…. I’ll try again soon 😝

My legs and well my body for that matter felt like lead so speed was not happening. I just wanted to get through the miles today.

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  3. applicablerap said: HOLY CRAP 151 MILES IN A MONTH?! You’re incredible!
  4. goaldengoats posted this