Refinery CMS and Zurb Foundation 5

I’ve dabbled with RefineryCMS over the past few days in order to quickly setup a site. I thought it would be a good opportunity to play with Foundation as well.

Since Foundation 5 was just released, I didn’t find much documentation on how to integrate the two. Therefore, I’ve decided to share a small part of my findings.

In specific, the GitHub repository refinery-foundation demonstrates how to implement a Refinery drop-down menu with a Foundation front-end.

It seemed like a partially answered question on StackOverflow. The Flatiron School blog post was helpful but not complete either. So checkout the repository and see the commit-by-commit process or continue reading for a summary.

Caveat: As per comments below, this procedure has been verified with Rails 3.2.16, not Rails 4.

  1. Install the refinerycms gem:

    cd ~/Sites
    gem install refinerycms
  2. Create the Rails app:

    refinerycms refinery-foundation
    cd refinery-foundation
  3. Add the foundation-rails gem to the Gemfile:

    group :assets do
      gem 'foundation-rails'
  4. Install the gem and run the foundation generator:

    bundle install
    rails g foundation:install
  5. Add the Zurb menu presenter and helper:

  6. Override the key Refinery files:

    rake refinery:override view=layouts/application
    rake refinery:override view=refinery/_head
  7. Tweak the overrides:

  8. Tweak the CSS:

    // RefineryCMS Customization
    header {
    #page {
      @include grid-row();
      #body {
        @include grid-column(9);
      .no_side_body #body {
        @include grid-column(12);
      #side_body {
        @include grid-column(3);
    footer {
    .top-bar {
      .title-area { z-index: 2; }

The result as shown in the image below doesn’t look like much, but it’s there: Zurb Foundation 5 running on Refinery CMS.


2 notes


  1. milkfarmproductions posted this

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