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A few days ago, I received a package full of adorable trinkets. :)

It was a bunch of stationeries and accessories. My eight-year old sister loved the stationeries and asked me if she could have it right away. Hahaha. She has a thing for writing short letters to us, so these stationeries are perfect. :)


As for the accessories, it came from Butingtings’ ninth collection and were really pretty. :) I really love the necklace and bow bracelet. :) As for the the mini bow rings, it’s available in five colors and you can wear them in any way you want. 

I already wore these accessories last Friday but I was such in a hectic mode that I wasn’t able to take a snap of my ensemble. Boo hoo. Will wear ‘em again this week and show it to you! :)

Anyway, they just released their eleventh collection last night and I suggest you check it out now! I already have my eyes on their Star Necklace (I’m such a star junkie). Their collection comes in limited stocks and a lot of people are already reserving! Visit their Facebook Page now! 

Thank you again, Butingtings! ❤


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