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Focus Dreams

If you’ve been following me on Twitter these past few days, you’ll notice I posted a screencap of an app called Everest. The app’s goal is simple: To help you live and fulfill your dreams, big or small. The app is free and the interface is really pretty, but that’s not the point of this post. 

The point of this post is to share my focus goals and because it’s Type Tuesday, I also want to feature the works of my newest favorite graphic designer and illustrator from NYC, Lauren Hom. She created a blog called Daily Dishoney which features beautiful typographies of daily lies that we all commit. 


Apply the “one-minute rule" every day. The objective is pretty simple: I must do any task that can be finished in one minute. It can be anything, just as long it’s under one minute. See also: Do not turn on the laptop until I’m finished with my personal errands.


Get 8 hours of sleep everyday. Ever since I started working, I get at least 6-7 hours of sleep. I’m this close to getting 8 hours of sleep, so why don’t I make that happen? See also: My cough medicine ruined my body clock.


Lose weight. I don’t believe in diets. I believe diets are like promises; they are meant to be broken… after two weeks or so. See also: I really need to lose weight for Boracay. Haha


Save a portion of my paycheck, every month. I need money in order to travel, for my future family, for myself. See also: Get a new job or practice self-discipline, I prefer the latter.

So far, the only focus dream I’m successful with is: Read for 20+ minutes a day.

How about you? What are your focus dreams?