Chapter Twenty one



I woke up to a smell that I wasn’t used to. I knew it wasn’t Chris because I knew his smell. Being a trained FBI you know and learn your environment and mines was definitely being tampered with. I eased out the bed wearing boy shorts and one of Chris’ muscle shirts. As soon as I eased to the counter for my gun she lunged. Grabbing her by her throat and slamming her to the ground “Bitch what the fuck you doing in my house.” I couldn’t believe this. She spit at me. Using her weight she pushed up. I might as well whoop this hoe now. “He don’t want you funky bitch.” I let her up. As soon as her hand went up  Blow, blow. blow -.Two to the face and one to the body. She tried to lunge for me again oh she wanted to wrestle. Not my style but with a swift knee I kicked her right in the stomach. “UUGH” She yelled out. “You come to my house thinking you gone touch me. I punched her again. Every time I thought about it I punched her. Dragging her towards the front door by her hair. "Bitch I should body you right now.” I was about to tie this hoe up and make her suffer. When I realized the door knob was turning relief washed over me. Yes Chris  but it wasn’t him. It was Mijo. Chris best friend that I didn’t know too well. “ "Thank God she was trying to kill me.” I told him. Within a blink of an eye he pulled out a gun and fired. I don’t now how many times but I felt my body hit the floor.



“Get the fuck up and let’s go.” Janet just laid there. I went to help her up. She was fucked up, but I had to get us out of here before Chris showed up or there was going to be three dead bodies in here. Grabbing Janet and lifting her into my arms I walked out the apartment. Leaving Rihanna’s dead body on the floor leaking. Putting her in the car and sliding next to her I should call the Dr. I couldn’t take her to the E.R but then again would the Dr tell Breezy that I had seen him. We couldn’t board a plane with her looking like this too. My only option was to lay low for a while until we could get things under control. I didn’t know what Chris knew. If I stayed in this city too long I would end up a dead man and I wasn’t  about to die at the sake of nobody else for shit. I checked into a motel room under a different name. Put Janet in the bed and thought about Chris and I before all this extra shit happened. I begun to feel the guilt. The fear of fucking every thing up over a female. I could have made it work. I had to get caught up with this bitch. Looking over at her sleeping I got disgusted. Now I have to spend the rest of my life watching my back. 



I got out of my truck and stepped  up to my cousin. “What happened Keeis?”  As I pulled my jacket around me. It was cold out here tonight. “ I just asked you to meet me here cause its out in the open and away from all the crime scenes.” Did he just say scenes? “I know you already got a lot going on.” “Keeis quit beating around the bush and tell me what happen.” Someone I’m thinking Mijo, since you told me that Jordan was watching him and Janet, murdered him execution style while sitting in his car.“ Fucking Mijo had to die today. "That’s not all” Damn and there is more. “He killed his family too all the way down to his dog.” I couldn’t believe this shit. “His fucking kids, tell me Mijo did not murder the man kids.” He just nodded his head. “‘What am I gone do. Mijo was starting a fucking war. "Where that nigga at now?” Keeis humped his shoulders nobody knows he int he wind. Him and Janet.“ The first thought that came to my mind was Robyn. "Shit Shit shit” I called the house phone. No answer. I called her cell. No answer. I looked at Keeis “She not answering cuz, she always answers the house phone. It’s right next to the bed.” I was shitting bricks whole. “Calm down and call Tim. Ain’t he watching the apartment.” I called Tim. No answer. After calling each number repeatedly I felt queasy “Something has happened I know it, I feel it. I gotta go.” I jumped in my car and sped off with Keeis speeding behind me. “Please let her be okay please let her be okay” I chanted to myself as I sped down the highway. I started to cry because I felt like the love of my life and my unborn were hurt if not dead and it would be all my fault. If she died I would die. She came into my life and was now my everything  Wiping my tears I drove faster. Swinging into the complex and jumping out the car I knew it was bad when I saw the door ajar. Busting through the door she was laying right in the living room in a pool of blood. The tears came a lot more quickly. Pulling her head into my lap I wept. Like a baby I was hurt. Keeis burst into the door. “Keeis call an ambulance please.” I cried out. He started calling right away. Minutes after he hung up I heard the sirens. “Baby please stay with me.” I cried into her hair. The paramedics came through the door and I couldn’t think. I didn’t know what to do. This was the weakest I had ever been. I wanted to kill myself just to see her beautiful eyes again.

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