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Lanterns for Sale – Auckland Lantern Festival
I must’ve passed this lantern seller at least a dozen times while wandering around the Auckland Lantern Festival, and each time he had the exact same look on his face. He was just unimpressed by...

Lanterns for Sale – Auckland Lantern Festival

I must’ve passed this lantern seller at least a dozen times while wandering around the Auckland Lantern Festival, and each time he had the exact same look on his face. He was just unimpressed by everything and everyone. Maybe it was the thronging crowds, the mid-summer heat, or perhaps he was just pissed off that no one had complimented his awesome hat?

Photo notes: I took this photo using an Olympus OM-D and a Panasonic 75mm 1.8f lens, just as the sun was starting to set. The Panasonic 75mm is the equivalent of a 150mm portrait lens on a full-frame camera, which is why it took quite a bit of patience in the large festival crowd to get this unobstructed view from several metres away. More Auckland street photography at