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“Back home!
In case you were wondering how my cats reacted after 7 days of absence.
When I walked in, Bazyl meowed twice, really loudly and started to walk towards me, rubbing his side against the couch. Then he poked me with his head...


Back home!

In case you were wondering how my cats reacted after 7 days of absence.

When I walked in, Bazyl meowed twice, really loudly and started to walk towards me, rubbing his side against the couch. Then he poked me with his head :)

Tosia came after a while, I lifted her up and she lied in my arms, staring at me :)

At night Baz woke me up at 3am, he meowed twice (again, haha) and asked me to rub his belly again :D In the morning he had to be with me even while taking the shower :D He’s been plopping on the floor with his belly up all afternoon today :D Tosia came for some loving as well, she fell asleep on my lap while I was using the computer :) Their purring made me believe that they did notice my absence and they are really happy today that I am back. They are just too cute.

They are both asleep now so I can finally unpack :D

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  8. ikkai said: Should have gotten them while I had a chance. XD
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