April 13, 2014
Hey lovely followers, I need a favor!



I don’t like asking things of you guys, but if you could please follow and spread the word about my new blog end-childhood-cancer , I would greatly appreciate it.

I will be bringing awareness to childhood cancer and offering my support to anyone affected by this nasty…

Please do check out Samm’s new blog.

A little background on Samm and her Make-A-Wish experience on The Hobbit set

“…Then we heard “cut” and I saw him walk off set. And we all know how Richard is a method actor. He stays in character all day. He walked off the set with /the/ meanest look on his face and glared RIGHT at me. I GOT A THORIN STAREEEEEEEEEEEE. Then [set guide] Sebastian walked over and whispered in his ear and literally it was like night and day. His face went from “imma kill” to “Flowers and tea, yay let’s go play’”

Done! If you need something else, let me know!

(via crystalchandlyre)

5:45pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZEvIKy1CyfVBn
Filed under: cancer children 
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    Done! If you need something else, let me know!
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    Do it!
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  11. crystalchandlyre reblogged this from jazzbaby1 and added:
    Please do check out Samm’s new blog. A little background on Samm and her Make-A-Wish experience on The Hobbit set…...
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