July 11, 2012
Trading Places

It occurred to me the other day that I kept having to explain to people what happened to old posts at BradMcCarty.me after I switched to Svbtle. I then realized that there was a better option than having all of those old posts disappear.

If you want to keep up with the stuff that I’m writing, you can now do so over on Uptake.co. Once upon a time I had grandiose ideas for that URL, but I think it will serve a better purpose by playing host to my Svbtle blog. As for this site? It will update occasionally, perhaps with more personal stories, but you can expect for it to largely remain untouched.

There has to be a separation between your work and your personal life, no matter how passionate you may be about both of them. If there’s one thing I’ve learned while searching for balance, it is that this fact is immutable.

3:04am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZEzPIyP7ULgo
Filed under: tumblrize