July 30, 2011
Ramblings on criticism, context, and naïvete

Something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is the reaction of individuals when confronted, be it over a garment that is culturally appropriative or using sexist/ableist/racist language, etc.

Sometimes, from the bottom of my heart, I want to truly believe, “Well, these people just don’t KNOW any better!  They don’t have the kind of understanding of my culture they should have thanks to American history lessons that pick and choose at the least offensive and mostly white events.”  I mean…right?

But then I get frustrated when simple logic can’t be applied to our understanding of history.  That Native tribes, spread across all of North America, must have different cultural traditions due very simply to their geographic diversity.

The headdress is not unlike garments that are worn in observance of other religious traditions.  I guess this is just something that people can’t grasp.  Possibly because the spiritual traditions of Native tribes don’t look and feel like organized religion.  Are we really that naïve to think otherwise?

I don’t even know where I’m going with this, really.  It’s been a long couple weeks.

  1. hipsterappropriations-blog posted this
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