Save The Planarians

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  4. aquatichart reblogged this from batmansymbol
  5. savetheplanarians reblogged this from fuckyeahjosswhedon and added:
    Sheep for Bricks LLC. This … I don’t even know.
  6. tokoeka reblogged this from scenenothing
  7. highlighteretcigarettes reblogged this from madamedefarge10
  8. madamedefarge10 reblogged this from fuckyeahjosswhedon
  9. ajwagosh reblogged this from emmaswanned
  10. californianlabyrinth reblogged this from angryjalebi and added:
    God I love it when good limited release films let me assure myself that I’ll actually get to see them.
  11. sirrogue reblogged this from fuckyeahjosswhedon and added:
    Three things I adore: Acker, Kranz, and Catan. What could be better???