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“Totally, Yes! Finds “Someone Like You”! It’s sketch comedy! Tonight at 8pm!
The PIT presents its best and brightest actors, writers and directors, collaborating to bring you some sweet, sweet sketch comedy.
A show about breakups,...


Totally, Yes!  Finds “Someone Like You”! It’s sketch comedy!  Tonight at 8pm!

The PIT presents its best and brightest actors, writers and directors, collaborating to bring you some sweet, sweet sketch comedy.

A show about breakups, religion, and Sandy Kenyon! Watch your favorite sketch team drink, sing, and bitchslap away the pain just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Totally, Yes! is actors Ronan Babbitt, Brigid Boyle, Bill DiPiero, Samm Kumar, Amanda Peck, Jared Mark Smith and Matt Van Bockern; and writers Greg Boz, Anne Victoria Clark, Alex Estrada, Chelsea Dallas Falato, Maria Krovatin, Dan Morris and Lisa Vikingstad

Directed by Justin Tyler

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