Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Congratulations to our student, Veenea Nair on the release of her first studio album - The Dream!
The Dream is a collection of 7 songs of love and inspiration. It has always been Veenea’s dream to help and inspire others through music. The proceeds...

Congratulations to our student, Veenea Nair on the release of her first studio album - The Dream!

The Dream is a collection of 7 songs of love and inspiration. It has always been Veenea’s dream to help and inspire others through music. The proceeds from her CDs will go to HUGS (Helping Underprivileged Gain Strength), Malaysia & YASKA (Yayasan Kanser Kanak-Kanak), Brunei Darussalam.

The CDs are now available in Brunei @ BND10.00 each and Malaysia @ RM25.00. To order, please email or contact NeoClassic Music School directly at 00-673-2-453356 (school is closed for holiday from 21st Dec - 3rd Jan, 2013).

Enjoy the music while helping others! :)